
Our 2024 Potato Day pre-ordering is now available until 23rd November 2023. Low cost seed potatoes (discount price of 18p per tuber for pre-orders!), onion sets, garlic & shallot bulbs, pea and bean seeds and green manures. For more information see here for more details.

What are Transition Towns?

Transition Towns are a grass root movement aiming to provide local and appropriate solutions to the problems we face due to declining oil supplies, climate change, waste reduction, food production, energy price rises and sustainable transport.  Whilst many of the problems we face are global, the Transition Towns movement aims to tackle them using local people, local ideas and local projects.

What is Transition Loughborough?

Transition Loughborough is the Transition Town group for Loughborough, Leicestershire, England.  Loughborough is a University and market town in the East Midlands and we aim to find solutions that are appropriate for the particular demands of our local population.  What we do is driven by the people who make up Transition Loughborough, and those people are the people who live and work in and around Loughborough.

What can we do together?

Many of the problems we face seem large and intractable.  Some people seem to want to ignore them, whilst others wait for governments or companies to provide solutions.  Members of Transition Loughborough are people who want to take a more proactive approach – we want to decide what we can do as a community now and act as soon as possible.  Examples of the actions that Transition Towns have already done are:

  • Promoting local food growing, including Community Supported Agriculture projects to encourage the use of local farms,
  • Forming cooperatives to get low carbon, decentralised energy generation deployed,
  • Lobbying for more sustainable transport options and providing community supported transport improvements,
  • Providing innovative solutions to waste reduction and management, such as redistributing otherwise wasted fruit from local gardens and supporting composting and other landfill diversion schemes,
  •  Helping local people and organisations to look at their energy usage and carbon footprint and working out how to reduce them.

What can I do to help?

Join our email discussion group, follow us on Twitter or Facebook, come along to our events and join in projects and groups.  The more we put into Transition Loughborough, the more we’ll all get out of it!